Does your research involve ANY of the below:
TCPS2 defines minimal risk research as ‘research in which the probability and magnitude of possible harms implied by participation in the research is no greater than those encountered by participants in the aspects of their everyday life that relate to the research.’
- Moderate to serious physical, emotional, psychological, legal, social or economic risk to participants?
- Sensitive questions?
- Invasive procedures?
- Characteristics or conditions which affect participants’ capacity to consent (e.g. individuals with cognitive or intellectual impairments)?
- Real or potential risk of coercion to the participants when obtaining consent (e.g. institutionalized individuals, people in dependent situations, or students being recruited by professors may feel pressure to participate in a project)?
- Partial disclosure or deception (e.g. some information which may affect participants’ decision to participate is withheld at time of initial consent)?
- Aboriginal peoples as a target population of your study or will data be analyzed with implications specific to an Aboriginal community?
- Participants as children?
- Use of blood or other biological materials?
- Accessing data that is not held by Memorial as a data custodian (e.g. accessing medical records (e.g. EMR, Meditech), pharmacy database, dataset from NLCHI)?
- Accessing a dataset that was collected as part of a research project that received HIC/HREB approval?
- Involving any Regional Health Authority (RHA) or their resources?
- Conducting medical education research or research related to health education (e.g. curriculum development in nursing or medicine)?
Criteria adapted from the University of Ottawa’s ‘Eligibility criteria for ethics review level – initial ethics review’