Research Ethics Board

1.  Composition of Panel

a. Membership of the GC-REB shall be consistent with the requirements concerning Research Ethics Boards (REBs) outlined in Chap 6: Article 6.4 of the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants:

The GC-REB shall consist of at least, but not limited to, five members, including both men and women, of whom:

(a)  Two members with broad expertise in the methods or areas of research covered by the Panel.

(b)  One member knowledgeable in ethics.

(c)  Normally, one member from each school not represented in b and c.

(d)  One member not affiliated with Memorial University of Newfoundland chosen from the local community.

(e)  When necessary, one ad hoc member with knowledge of the relevant law.

(f)   The Panel may appoint an additional ad hoc member with expertise relevant to the proposal under consideration when this is deemed necessary.

(g)  A non-reviewing graduate student representative shall be invited to attend GC-REB meetings, facilitate communication between the GC-REB and the graduate students, and in aid in policy discussions.

To ensure the independence of GC-REB decision making, institutional senior administrators shall not serve on the GC-REB.

2. School Nominating Committees will put forward a slate of names for the GC-REB and also make recommendations about the filling of vacancies when necessary to the AVP Research for approval. Ad hoc members shall be invited by the Chair at the direction of the GC-REB.

3.  Members of the GC-REB are generally appointed for two year terms with consideration being given to overlapping terms.

4.  The GC-REB Chair and Vice-Chair normally serve for two-year terms, and will be chosen by the GC-REB. With approval from the GC-REB, the Vice-Chair will typically move into the Chair’s position. The GC-REB will typically appoint the chair by January 1st, to begin in the next academic year.

5.  The GC-REB Chair calls the first organizational meeting of the GC-REB each year in September, inviting the AVP Research. If there is no Chair, the AVP Research shall call the meeting, during which a chairperson will be chosen.

6. The roles and responsibilities of the GC-REB are as follows:

a.  The GC-REB will conduct ethics reviews of research projects involving human participants, and where warranted, issue letters of ethical acceptability.

b.  With research proposals involving human participants, the GC-REB shall follow the guidelines established by the Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical conduct for Research Involving Human Participants.

c.  The Chair of the GC-REB shall be responsible for ensuring that the GC-REB meets when research projects require review.

d.  The Chair of the GC-REB shall be responsible for seeing that appropriate records are kept and letters of ethical acceptability are sent.

e.  In cases where a conflict of interest prevents the Chair from being involved in the process, the Vice-Chair shall have the Chair’s responsibilities.

f.  In September of each year the GC-REB will circulate a memorandum to all faculty providing information of its terms of reference and detailing such guidelines as may be deemed appropriate.

g.  The GC-REB does not approve undergraduate student research (including honours thesis/independent project research).  Such projects shall be approved by Program Unit level or Division level ethics committees.  When a program unit or division ethics committee approves student research it shall inform the GC-REB to aid them in decisions about projects.


If you have any questions regarding Research Ethics, please get in touch with:
Lan Ma

Research Office – AS320

Tel: 709-639-7596

Email: gcethics@mun.ca