Log into the MUN Researcher Portal

NOTE: The Memorial Researcher Portal is not compatible with Safari or Edge.


A Message from the HREB:

Call For Proposals: Supporting Knowledge Mobilization of High-Impact Randomized Controlled Trials in Canada.

A Message from ICEHR:

Effective January 1st, 2024, the ICEHR will no longer accept TCPS 2 CORE certificates dated prior to 2022, based on the recent publication of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2022). Please visit the ICEHR website for more information https://www.mun.ca/research/research-integrity-and-ethics/research-with-human-participants/icehr/applications-and-forms/


Please be advised that as a result of the HREB move, some templates under “attachments” have been updated to reflect the new HREB contact information. Please ensure when submitting a new application you use the templates from the researcher portal. Failure to use the most recent templates could result in delays.

How to Submit an Event Form

Researchers who are required to submit an event form for their funding or ethics files should refer to Question 5 of our FAQ section on how to complete this task.

Training Materials Available

To support researchers working in the Researcher Portal, there are manuals and other training materials available on our website. Please see the Training item in the menu bar at the top of this webpage to access available support materials.

Survey tool for MUN faculty, staff, and students 

Memorial University has acquired Qualtrics, an enterprise survey solution to conduct surveys for research and administrative purposes. Qualtrics is the recommended survey solution for MUN faculty, staff, and students and may be used at no cost. It has been vetted by Memorial to assure privacy and security of data. Qualtrics is an industry-leading, cloud-based, survey solution currently used by 6800+ schools and 2000+ universities worldwide, including several Canadian institutions. To learn more about the simple steps to get started, visit www.mun.ca/surveysolution.