Animal Care – Approval

What requires Animal Care Committee approval?

All animal care and use for the purposes of research, teaching, testing or field studies conducted by Memorial University faculty, students or staff must be submitted for IACC approval.
Category ‘A’ work:
Letters of intent suffice for work that falls under the Canadian Council on Animal Care Category A in its Category of Invasiveness descriptions. These can include observational studies where there is no disruption to normal behaviour of the species in question; analysis of isolate samples. Note that in some of these cases, Biosafety Committee approval may still be required in order to assess the risk potential to human or animal health.

Collaborations with external institutions:
Protocol approval is required at both institutions, even where no animal work is done on site. Exceptions are outlined in Category ‘A’ work, above.

Contract research:
A complete submission is required for all contract research. Contracts must first be approved by Memorial’s legal counsel.